Horry County, SC



NSP Free Youth Soccer Camp


Resident Total: 0.00 / Non-Resident Total: 0.00

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By checking this box, I certify that I have read, understood and agree to the terms of the important Release, Disclaimer, and Hold Harmless Agreement shown here.

Location: North Strand Recreation Center

Fee (Resident/Non-Resident): 0.00 / 0.00

Start Date: 07/15/2019

End Date: 07/17/2019

Times: Mon/Tues/Wed 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Type: North Strand Athletics

Status: Closed

Registration Period: 5/16/2019 12:00:00 AM - 7/16/2019 9:00:00 AM

Age: 6 - 15

Gender: Coed

Class Capacity: 1 - 50

Registrants: 27

Waitlist Count: 0


North Strand Recreation Center would like to welcome you out for a Free Youth Soccer Camp. The camp will be hosted by Coach Kevin Jones and his youth leaders. The camp will be July 15th,16th, and 17th from 9am to 12pm. Please have the kids in light colored clothes with plenty of fluids. The camp will be held on the Mult-purpose fields behind the baseball field. If the children have shin guards, please have them wear them. No equipment is needed to participate. 

The camp will be held on the Multi-purpose field at North Strand Recreation Center:

120 Highway 57 S., Little River, SC. 29566

For any questions please call 843-915-7885

Release, Waiver, and Hold Harmless Agreement // Notice: Please read this carefully so you fully understand this notice and its contents, and agree to its terms. FOR YOURSELF OR YOUR MINOR CHILD, AS PARTICIPANT IN THIS PROGRAM, YOU AGREE: I have chosen to participate in this event sponsored by the Horry County Parks and Recreation Department. I understand that this program has risks of injury and damage to person and property ranging from slight to severe, as with such physical games and sports. I undertake that risk of my own free will, and understand that I alone am responsible for my safety while I am either preparing to play, or engaging in play, or am otherwise on or near the premises where the program takes place. By signing this Waiver, or checking the web form, I am indicating that I understand these facts, and that I am participating in this activity at my own risk. I further represent that I have undertaken to prepare myself for this program, and I have not received any medical or other professional advice to abstain because of my health or physical condition. I know of no reason why I should not participate in this program. If I am injured in any way during the conduct of this program, I authorize Horry County to seek whatever medical attention may appear to be necessary, and I will be financially responsible for such care. I further authorize Horry County to conduct drug testing on me before allowing me to participate in the program, and I further agree to participate in any random drug-testing program Horry County operates during the program or at its end. I authorize Horry County to photograph me and reproduce such likeness for the purposes of promoting this program without compensation to me. I further agree that I release and hold harmless Horry County, its agents, employees, officials, and representatives, from any and all injuries and losses that I may sustain as a result of my voluntary participation in this event.

The contact will be automatically added to the class as a registrant if someone drops out from a full class.